
Why Donate?

Your support allows MCCHS to serve our community. Through your donations and support, we are able to offset our operational costs and payroll to ensure that our clients and patients can get services at an affordable rate.

MCC provides community education and empowerment, social services for victims of trauma and violence, counseling services, and your charitable giving can help us make these services go further than ever before.



Use Zelle to send one time or recurring payments to our address: (956) 739 - 8862.

Further Instructions:
If your bank uses Zelle to send money, then you can send Muslim Community Center for Human Services your donation from your bank’s own app or online portal and avoid any fees. Send the money to (956) 739 - 8862. Check out the online list of participating banks for Zelle. In your bank's app or website, find Zelle under a "Pay & Transfer" or "Make a Payment" option.


What my donation accomplishes

The physical facility that houses MCC-HS is a magnificent gift made possible in 1995 by the generosity of our founder Dr. Ahmed Basheer and a host of amazing donors. However, maintaining multiple physical clinic spaces and running an outreach program demand a continuing source of capital. Your donation accomplishes a host of wonderful things!